Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Challenge For Today

Today, its absolutely beautiful outside. This is not usual for the month of February in Seattle. I am so thankful that God decided to bless us with his presence. Too many days of gray days will work on you and your spirit. After being here for 3.5 years, I realize that I need the sun to help me get moving.

During the Springtime, woodpeckers tend to hit my chimney sending out a mating call to the other birds. This starts about 5:30 am. I normally get up around 5 am. If by chance I do sleep late, they wake me up by hitting the chimney cover. When it first happened, I didn't know what to think. Since I've been in my house for 2.5 years, I've witnessed this interesting experience twice now. I am mentally prepared. When the woodpeckers come, I know that Springtime is upon us.

On Saturday, I went by to see Danyale to tell her that she needs to wash my hair soon. Hairstylist are always so optimistic. She stated that my hair looked great. I proceeded to tell her that it was extremely dirty and I needed to enjoy the fresh water on my head. LOL.

Today, I have to write to a writing sample for a career opportunity. Am I up for the challenge, I am praying that I deliver the goods.

P.S. I am loving the sisterlocks. People are fascinated by them and want to touch my hair on a daily basis. Crazy, but hey. It definitely draws attention.

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