Monday, July 14, 2008

Let it Grow, Let it Go!

Wow, time has flown. I am in my 6th month of SL's and I will tell you that I am finally enjoying the journey. My hair looks vibrant and the weight is coming off. All the things that I wanted to focus on is happening.

My consultant gave me some great tips and they are really paying off with my hair. I will tell you that the Apple Cider Vinegar is the truth. My hair color is just as vibrant as it was when I first had it done. That was like 9 months ago last year. Can you believe it?

For the first few months, my scalp was giving me major problems. After a few treatments with the ACV and other methods, I was able to resolve some of the issues. I would tear my head up with scratching. Now, I can be at peace with my hair. Its finally settled into its new state. Thankfully and prayerfully.

The only thing that I hate doing is banding my hair up each time that I must wash it. I will get over there as time goes on.